If fashion be the food of life…


"If fashion be the food of life, style on!" I’m pretty sure that’s what Shakespeare meant to write. I jest. I do love fashion, though. 

I was a bit slow to realise this but once I started paying attention to the things that are constantly on my mind, I noticed that fashion was one of those things. I am always putting together outfits in my mind and putting myself in different scenarios where I would wear them. It’s really not as weird as it sounds. Plus that’s one of my favourite things about fashion: that you can be a different version of yourself depending on what you’re wearing. I’m not at all under the impression that humans are one-dimensional and that the truest version of a person can only exist in one form. Fashion celebrates how dynamic human beings are and allows us to explore our dynamisms. I also love how when someone is dressed well and they know that they look great, you can see it in how they carry themselves. The shoulders are back, the chin is up, the swagger is in the step…it’s pretty awesome. As long as that person isn’t behaving like a colossal asshat, of course. I (mostly) jest.

I’m still getting to know myself in terms of my personal style. I think I’ve narrowed it down to something between minimalism and prep, but leaning more towards minimalism. I love the minimalist trend because it’s clean, polished and looks effortless. Also, everything in your wardrobe is bound to match – a definite bonus.

Two of my current favourite trends at the moment are miniskirts and white/off-white clothing. Miniskirts are great because they are so easy to dress up or down and they add a kind of youthful classiness to a look. I love the trend of white clothing because a) it looks great; b) it’s a very refreshing colour, especially as hot as it’s been in Gauteng lately and b) I’m bored of the navy, black and grey that dominates my wardrobe colour scheme.

Beyond just enjoying wearing, looking at, or buying clothes, I am quite intrigued by the fashion industry and its many happenings and goings on. So I hope to keep whoever’s reading updated on more than just fashion looks and trends, but also the fashion industry in general.


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