Motherly Advice


“Marry a man who loves you and respects you. Marry a man who thinks the world of you.” - Mom

My mother felt like imparting some wisdom upon me this evening and it’s pretty deep stuff. Okay, it might not be monumental or life changing, or even anything remotely new, but there’s something pretty moving about receiving advice from someone you know loves you and only wants what’s best for you - especially if that person is your mother.

I didn’t set out to write my next post about my mother but I honestly can’t think of a reason why not to, now that I’m here. I know I can be pretty hard on my mother sometimes, but I have no doubt that everything I am today is to a great extent because of her. She is what one would define as “a strong woman”. She works hard, she is honest and she is tough as nails, but the single greatest thing about my mother is her compassion. She can’t help it, she is kind to and always thinking about everyone. She has a massive heart and in spite of the short temper, and over-protectiveness, I know that everything she does, she does because she cares…so much. And if I can only say I learned one thing from my mother, I hope that it is her compassion.

I know that her advice about the right person to marry can only have come from that compassionate soul of hers and I guess that’s why I felt compelled to right it down and share it with the Internet. It’s not new, it’s not original but it means everything to me because it came from her and because she loves me and I love her.


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