30 Things


At the end of last year I wrote this list of resolutions. Naturally, I forgot all about them until a couple of days ago but I thought that I'd share them anyway to see if any of them would resonate with you.


1. Be more active and proactive.
2. LOVE YOURSELF UNASHAMEDLY. Don’t just think about it, do it.
3. Be more patient with yourself and others. Less judgement, more love.
4. Realise that people aren't perfect, and act accordingly. (MORE LOVE)
5. Realise that you are worth getting to know and stop putting people on pedestals.
6. Greet people, dammit. Head up, smile, say hello. Smiling at the ground is only cute in One Direction songs
7. Make plans. Keep them.
8. You can be excellent company to yourself but don’t forget that you need your people. There is a difference between being alone and being lonely.
9. Reach out.
10. Be kind.
11. Life is not that serious.
12. Stop letting the internet make you jaded and angry. Not everything is offensive.
13. Speak up when you are offended and speak out against offensive behaviour.
14. You don't need people that don't need you.
15. Pay attention to the people around you. Be present and available.
16. Less technology. Go out and do stuff.
17. Be open. (As open as absolutely necessary, not everyone deserves access into your life.)
18. Save money!
19. Seriously think about your future. Where are you going? What do you want?
20. Be a nice person, it’s a cool thing to be.
21. Be more tactful. Knowing what to say and whether or not to say it is an important skill to learn.
22. Let people be people, you don’t know everything.
23. Don’t talk down to people, don’t let people talk down to you.
24. If you don’t try it, how will you learn anything about it?
25. If you don’t like it, change it.
26. Meet and interact with new and different people. Be open to different perspectives.
27. Go to as many live musical performances as possible (NB!)
28. Things are as simple or as complicated as you allow them to be.
29. Discipline and self-control – learn them.
30. Contrary to popular belief, there is no step by step guide on how to be a human. Just live, learn and love.  

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